Why do we get angry in the first place? Have you asked this question to yourself, that’s something I would like my readers to judiciously practice – question yourself, understand your actions , decide what is the best you can do in that situation and let your emotions flow accordingly . Moving back to our ‘anger issues’ , whenever you feel angry ,take a deep breadth and play in your mind what might lead to this sudden anger of yours – read that line again and that’s all .You might be thinking I am joking but this is the best exercise that works for me and I believe if you google it you shall find a truckload of exercises to subdue your anger. That’s not our main goal, our goal is to get to the reason of our sudden fits of anger and its consequences.

Nowadays we get angry at the slightest of things and sometimes its not even justified. Now why someone might get angry or frustrated or pissed is all part of his personal life and habits and his environment. This may or may not be under his control and truthfully a tiresome lifestyle is enough to make the average man or woman to loose one’s patience after a certain limit. Nothing we do can actually ‘prevent’ such an occasion of getting angry if a situation arises suddenly unless you practice meditation or have a really calm personality ,even that doesn’t suffice sometimes. We will have to make peace with the reality and absolute truth that we will loose our cool on many such situations which might not demand it but is still bound to occur. This is when we need to think of the consequences of our anger.

My friends sometimes things happen ,terrible things which make us rightfully angry – ultimately we all are humans of flesh and blood. Let it flow ,let it out but a word of advice – never cause harm to others even in an act of hate and revenge (its quite difficult I know.).It’s very difficult to learn to channel one’s anger into nothingness but remember we all are in this together and we all shall grow in this journey together . May your coming days be calm and peaceful ,have a nice time friends.

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